I'm getting there.
Today, I was able to redesign my blog. I changed the theme and header but this does not mean that it will be the NEW blog theme/design. As I've said in my previous entry, I had a difficult time selecting the most appropriate photo and theme but selecting the best substitute proved to be a likewise, difficult job as well so I decided to use this new design for the night and will change it the following day with another, until I find the most appropriate theme. I am also planning on creating a poll with the various themes I will be testing to get a second opinion from others.
Finding the best theme and photo has been really hard. Some of the photos I've liked were either too small, too wide, too pixelated, etc. Gus was able to help me resize this current header using MS Paint only. (Yes, since my beloved Mr. Zhu died earlier this year, I haven't been able to utilize the full potential of all the computer applications and software I had before. Thus, using MS Paint to edit photos. :c) I was actually relieved because 1) he helped me place the picture on the header (since I couldn't remember how I did it before), and 2) he helped me make the photo fit. And all this while he was sick. Thank you, Gus!
There you go. I'm getting there. Almost there. I can't wait to see the final outcome. Check out the new theme tomorrow.
Before I forget, the photo on the header of this theme is courtesy of http://princessmartini.deviantart.com/art/Chinese-Garden-02-40265387. Thank you. :)